Choosing Astrology: Modern or Hellenistic? Placidus or Whole Sign?

When it comes to astrology, there are many choices to be made. Modern or Hellenistic astrology? Placidus or whole sign house system? As an avid astrologer, I have personally explored these options and have found validity in both systems. Each has its strengths and techniques that can enhance our understanding of the birth chart. In… Continue reading Choosing Astrology: Modern or Hellenistic? Placidus or Whole Sign?

Categorized as Astrology

Numerology and Gambling

If you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to winning at gambling than just luck, then this article is for you. Welcome to my world of numerology and gambling, where I’ll be sharing some fascinating insights on how numbers can help improve your odds. We’ll delve into the basics of numerology in gambling, explore using it… Continue reading Numerology and Gambling

Categorized as Astrology

Balancing the Nodal Axis: Embracing Growth and Releasing Baggage

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of personal growth? In late 2021 or early 2022, the nodal axis will transition into the Taurus-Scorpio axis, bringing with it a series of eclipses to guide your path. It’s time to embrace growth and release the baggage that no longer serves you. By balancing the… Continue reading Balancing the Nodal Axis: Embracing Growth and Releasing Baggage

Aries: Embracing Luminescence in a Magical Transformation

Welcome, dear readers, to a mystical journey that awaits us all. Join us as we delve into the enchanting realm of Aries and their path toward embracing luminescence in a magical transformation. Together, we will unlock the secrets of intuition, independence, and partnership, basking in the vibrant energy that surrounds us. Prepare to be captivated… Continue reading Aries: Embracing Luminescence in a Magical Transformation

Categorized as Astrology